April 15 - 22, 2023

Rochelle Schieck

Qoya: Being With The Body

We live in a time of accelerated change. This week is all about being with the body. Nourishing the body with healthy delicious meals, time in nature, community connections, Qoya Inspired Movement, rituals and ceremony to remember what a lifestyle of embodied reverence feels like. The value of a retreat is the depth of a container to release what’s ready to go, contemplate deeply the truth that your heart and soul hold and recommit to live in alignment with your essence that is inherently wise, wild and free.

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Teacher Bio

Rochelle Schieck loves to move – in her body and around the world. In the last 20 years, she has traveled around the world as a student and teacher leading over 4,000 movement classes, training hundreds of Qoya teachers in 20 different countries, and taking women on over 70 retreats to sacred places in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

Her passion to explore the emerging essence of the feminine in her own life and in movement, coupled with her experience as a personal trainer, certified massage therapist, shamanic energy healer, and her degree in Interdisciplinary Fine Arts have all influenced her creation of the movement system, Qoya, now in its 14th year. Learn more by reading her book, Qoya: A Compass for Navigating an Embodied Life that is Wise, Wild and Free or trying Qoya yourself by doing our free 10 Days of Qoya Love program where you receive a short video to move to each day. Learn more at www.qoya.love

Click here for full details & registration