Join Sandra Vanatko for an incredibly intimate luxury retreat to Blue Spirit Resort in Nosara, Costa Rica, October 21 – October 28 2023. This will be our eleventh season visiting this incredible location. Pack your bags, follow your heart and join us for seven magical nights and eight days. Our lives seem increasingly filled with technology, information excesses, rapid social and cultural shifts, and a sense of being adrift and out-of-balance. And, in the midst of this, there seems to be a profound disconnection from our being. Join us for a weeklong journey of reclaiming your body. Practice presence. Anchor into embodiment practices. Come into conscious relationship with your breath. Explore shadow parts. Live in wholeness. Heal trauma. These gifts and more as you learn to rest into the power of fundamental consciousness. You will set your body free as you learn to rest into the loving unified ground of being.
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