May 4 - 11, 2019

Susan Jenkins ~ Shamanic Priestess, Guide & Medicine Dreamer

Remembering & Embodying Your Mystical, Wild Soul A Women’s Shamanic Gathering

A shamanic women’s retreat that promises to satisfy women’s deep longing to dream deep, remember and fully embody her mystical, wild soul. We’re being called. We hear the songs and whispers of our ancestors. It’s time…

During our sacred time together we’ll dive deep into our soul work as women; breaking free from ancestral, collective, cultural chains that prevent us from soaring high and becoming the courageous light bearers we’re being called to be in these tumultuous times. Within this safe, loving, sacred container we’ll courageously crack open our hearts, heal our wounds and free up our voices, so we can return to our lives feeling free to express our unbridled, authentic, wild truths, anywhere, anytime. Together we’ll be embarking on a sacred quest, a beautiful opportunity to birth ourselves into the shining light of our infinite beings.

Come immerse yourself in the wild spirit and magic of the jungle where you’ll learn empowering shamanic teachings, practices and healing ceremonies. During our time together you’ll go on numerous, illuminating shamanic journeys into the spirit realms, where you’ll be gifted with sweet medicine, wisdom and life-altering guidance from beneficial spirit animals and guides who’ll bless our sacred journey together.

This rejuvenating, all inclusive week will include gourmet vegetarian cuisine, exquisite accommodations, yoga, and powerful dream body work, which is like a living bridge designed to help you stay grounded, keep your energy flowing, integrate the teachings and embody the spiritual practices and work you’ll be doing.

Check out the event’s Facebook!

Teacher Bio

A Shamanic Priestess, Healer & Medicine Dreamer, Susan Jenkins has been on her shamanic path for over 36 years. A seasoned practitioner, teacher and guide, she helps people heal, empower themselves, transform their lives and embody their soul visions through shamanic spirit and earth centered practices, sacred ceremony and shamanic journey work. Susan opened to her unique gift of sight 36 years ago, when she was faced with a serious health crisis that opened her to the magic, mystery and healing guidance available in the spirit realms, and launched her onto her shamanic healing path.

A heart-centered light-worker, Susan journeys into the spirit realms for messages, inspiration and guidance from the earth, spirit and animal guides, elementals and the healing, transforma-tive powers of the cosmic medicine wheel. She often collaborates with luminous beings to clear, heal, uplift, and balance energies. Clients report profound healing, clarity and transformation from working with her.

Click here for full details & registration