July 13 - 20, 2024

Dr. Christine O’Brien DO & Sarah Travers

Total Being Reset

Our mission at Total Being Reset is to grow internal and external connections through reset and co-regulation practices focused on creating foundations for thriving relationships, resilience, and compassion.

This 7 day reset in beautiful Costa Rica will teach a variety of practices that promote nervous system regulation to improve your relationships with yourself and others. It is designed so each person can find those practices that work for them. We will build the foundation so that these integrations flow into each person’s daily life continuing to reset, restore, and build resiliency. Through experiential practices, reflection pieces, and immersing ourselves in nature, we’ll build up our skills and understanding of our own inner-workings and how to support our health in any setting.

Teacher Bio

Dr. Christine O’Brien DO is an Osteopathic Primary Care physician who has vast experience in the integration of mind, body, and spirit as a yoga instructor, acupuncturist, centering prayer and mindfulness based stress reduction meditation teacher, sound healer, and Heartmath trainer. Her passion is to facilitate finding the reset practices that integrate into daily life with ease and purpose for each individual. She spent the past 15 years honing these skills while working with veterans, as the director of Whole Health at the Cheyenne VA. As the mother of seven children she approaches Total Being Resets with utmost kindness for yourself and others. She is dedicated to the healing power of nature to cultivate awareness of Wonder and Awe to shift into resilience and connection.  Christine’s unique style of integrating body based practices for vagus nerve activation that are profound yet simple.

Sarah Travers is an experiential educator with a focus on nature immersion. Her passion is facilitating joyful experiences that build relationships with the world around us, allowing nature to impress us with beauty, resilience, and intricacies. Her journey started with following her sense of awe and wonder and then sharing the discoveries of vastness and minuteness of ecosystems leading to the labels PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer, yoga instructor, volunteer backcountry ski patroller, and Nature Education Coordinator at Wild Bear Nature Center. She has spent time living on Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast and will be integrating her knowledge of the local ecosystems into the week’s journey of connection and integration.

Click here for full details & registration